I never thought I'd end up staying on Vancouver Island for an entire month, but there is no stopping the clock and Dec. 1st arrives tomorrow, along with the incessant serenading of x-mas music and decor. That is not to say I don't enjoy this time of year, but I believe that bad Christmas music on repeat is enough to drive anyone insane in the membrane!
As for updates I am currently staying with a close and amazing friend in Victoria after traveling from Campbell River. It was my intention to take 'er easy with my knee still bothering me, but I forgot just how hard it can be to stop once you are in the groove of riding. I probably did my knee a huge dis-service because I ended up going almost 100 km. the following day. CRAZY! I rolled into a small town on the Oceanview Hwy. called Bowser and stopped to pee and fill up water in a gas station. When I finally stepped outside, lo and behold it was dark! There I was, no idea where I was going to stay/camp because I hadn't anticipated the darkness to come so quickly. It's funny how much daylight I've lost in these last few weeks. There was nothing else to do but hop right back on my machine and ride until I saw a suitable place to set up my tent along the road. It turns out I didn't get very far because I couldn't see two feet ahead of me. The whole time I was thinking to myself, "this is just plain stupid, why Oh why did I not scout out a place before it got dark?" At this point I was exhausted, wet and scared about not finding a place to sleep. I decided it would be in my best interest to just pull into the next large yard I came across. Sure enough, I came across a fine, large lawn and headed up the driveway. As I was pulling up to the house, a woman opened the door on a mission to take out the garbage or do something outside. I started to speak and startled the living daylights out of her. I felt so bad but it ended up being the perfect ice breaker and I asked if it would be alright to pitch my tent on the lawn. Not only was it ok, her and her husband welcomed me into their home and fed me the most delicious meal any hungry cyclist could ever dream of!!! It turns out I chose the one house in Bowser where the family were avid adventurers and cyclists to boot! I was blown away by their kindness and loved swapping stories and sitting by the woodstove, drinking tea and icing my knee. It was the perfect remedy for a sore and weary cyclist. Thank you again for your endless generosity and kindness you were so willing to show a complete stranger!
This experience has yet again reaffirmed that there are people out there who are willing to give so much unconditionally without having any connection to the person to begin with. I left that house and whole experience soaring and rejuvenated. These spontaneous acts of kindness are what fuel my journey.....true 'soul food' is what I like to call it.
At first, embarking on this journey I was scared and worried because people kept on saying that I was crazy to do this kind of venture on my own. However, I've come to an understanding that I am never really 'alone.' It is absolutely amazing what magic can happen when you open yourself to universal possibilities. We are our own worst enemies. We put all kinds of limitations on ourselves by saying things like, "impossible, why would anyone want to help me, or what have I done to deserve this," or a bazillion more excuses we make for ourselves. In my experience, I tend to talk myself out of acting. I am prone to overthink things instead of just doing them. I find myself more often than not delving for reasons why whatever I'm thinking about wouldn't work. Finally I said, "enough is enough!" Fear can be so crippling. There is nothing better than to act from the heart and when you do, I'm realizing that it is always well received.
Part of me is feeling disappointed I wasn't more proactive in seeking out an opportunity to present my story in a classroom in Victoria. There really is no excuse and I take full responsibility for not being more forward. Again, I think this is fear talking. Under all that newfound confidence there is still part of me that doubts. "What will I say, who will take me seriously, who am I to talk in front of a crowd?" I feel sad about not acting, regardless of how it may be received. I now realize I am not out to convince anyone of anything, but rather to simply tell my story and what I've learned and how this journey is influencing my perspective on the world while providing me with hope for the future. What better way to give than to share one's passion and zest for life? Perhaps if everyone set out to inspire somebody, the world would awaken to find we are all part of a never-ending chain of good intentions.
Tomorrow I set out to continue my journey of good intentions. I am not sure where I will sleep or who I will meet along the way, but I have faith in the world around me, that whatever I may need in the next little while I will find it. Seattle is my next big stop and if anyone who reads this knows of any teachers in Seattle and down in the rest of the lower 48's please connect me because this time I am not going to let fear immobilize me. I am going to take the plunge and GIVE 'ER!!!!!!
As for updates I am currently staying with a close and amazing friend in Victoria after traveling from Campbell River. It was my intention to take 'er easy with my knee still bothering me, but I forgot just how hard it can be to stop once you are in the groove of riding. I probably did my knee a huge dis-service because I ended up going almost 100 km. the following day. CRAZY! I rolled into a small town on the Oceanview Hwy. called Bowser and stopped to pee and fill up water in a gas station. When I finally stepped outside, lo and behold it was dark! There I was, no idea where I was going to stay/camp because I hadn't anticipated the darkness to come so quickly. It's funny how much daylight I've lost in these last few weeks. There was nothing else to do but hop right back on my machine and ride until I saw a suitable place to set up my tent along the road. It turns out I didn't get very far because I couldn't see two feet ahead of me. The whole time I was thinking to myself, "this is just plain stupid, why Oh why did I not scout out a place before it got dark?" At this point I was exhausted, wet and scared about not finding a place to sleep. I decided it would be in my best interest to just pull into the next large yard I came across. Sure enough, I came across a fine, large lawn and headed up the driveway. As I was pulling up to the house, a woman opened the door on a mission to take out the garbage or do something outside. I started to speak and startled the living daylights out of her. I felt so bad but it ended up being the perfect ice breaker and I asked if it would be alright to pitch my tent on the lawn. Not only was it ok, her and her husband welcomed me into their home and fed me the most delicious meal any hungry cyclist could ever dream of!!! It turns out I chose the one house in Bowser where the family were avid adventurers and cyclists to boot! I was blown away by their kindness and loved swapping stories and sitting by the woodstove, drinking tea and icing my knee. It was the perfect remedy for a sore and weary cyclist. Thank you again for your endless generosity and kindness you were so willing to show a complete stranger!
This experience has yet again reaffirmed that there are people out there who are willing to give so much unconditionally without having any connection to the person to begin with. I left that house and whole experience soaring and rejuvenated. These spontaneous acts of kindness are what fuel my journey.....true 'soul food' is what I like to call it.
At first, embarking on this journey I was scared and worried because people kept on saying that I was crazy to do this kind of venture on my own. However, I've come to an understanding that I am never really 'alone.' It is absolutely amazing what magic can happen when you open yourself to universal possibilities. We are our own worst enemies. We put all kinds of limitations on ourselves by saying things like, "impossible, why would anyone want to help me, or what have I done to deserve this," or a bazillion more excuses we make for ourselves. In my experience, I tend to talk myself out of acting. I am prone to overthink things instead of just doing them. I find myself more often than not delving for reasons why whatever I'm thinking about wouldn't work. Finally I said, "enough is enough!" Fear can be so crippling. There is nothing better than to act from the heart and when you do, I'm realizing that it is always well received.
Part of me is feeling disappointed I wasn't more proactive in seeking out an opportunity to present my story in a classroom in Victoria. There really is no excuse and I take full responsibility for not being more forward. Again, I think this is fear talking. Under all that newfound confidence there is still part of me that doubts. "What will I say, who will take me seriously, who am I to talk in front of a crowd?" I feel sad about not acting, regardless of how it may be received. I now realize I am not out to convince anyone of anything, but rather to simply tell my story and what I've learned and how this journey is influencing my perspective on the world while providing me with hope for the future. What better way to give than to share one's passion and zest for life? Perhaps if everyone set out to inspire somebody, the world would awaken to find we are all part of a never-ending chain of good intentions.
Tomorrow I set out to continue my journey of good intentions. I am not sure where I will sleep or who I will meet along the way, but I have faith in the world around me, that whatever I may need in the next little while I will find it. Seattle is my next big stop and if anyone who reads this knows of any teachers in Seattle and down in the rest of the lower 48's please connect me because this time I am not going to let fear immobilize me. I am going to take the plunge and GIVE 'ER!!!!!!
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